
Top 5 Cybrix ERP Features

Businesses today are constantly looking to digitalize and streamline their processes. The best way to do this is to switch your business to an ERP system that suits your business needs.

Cybrix ERP is best suited for SMEs (Small & Medium-sized Enterprises) our flexible pricing, customizable features, and strong customer service make us a preferred ERP provider for many businesses in East Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Here are the top 5 features:

Point of Sale is the most used feature for most retail businesses. When choosing an ERP system for your retail business it’s vital to select one that has all the features necessary to provide the best customer service.

Cybrix ERP POS allows you to easily scan or search for products, select loyalty customers, easily select different payment options, hold and retrieve transactions, processes returns, print and reprint bills.

Cybrix ERP POS is fully integrated with KRA TIMS Fiscal Devices allowing you to print serialized and QR coded receipts that meet POS Kenya standards.

Keeping track of your products inflows and outflows is crucial for maximizing business profits. Cybrix ERP inventory Management allows you to input your opening stock, generate stock reports, do regular stock takes, view fast and slow moving items, list damaged goods and transfer stock from one branch to another.

By staying on top of your inventory you will ensure every product is accounted for and not sitting at the back of your warehouse gathering dust.

Any good ERP system will have an accurate and dynamic accounting module. Cybrix ERP will allow you to keep track of all expenses by creating an unlimited amount of ledgers. As you process sales, returns, generate invoices and credit notes Cybrix ERP will accurately generate detailed accounting reports such as Profit and Loss, Balance Sheets and a lot more allowing you to stay on top of all your accounting needs.

Invoicing is a crucial element of every business. Cybrix ERP allows you to send out purchase and sales invoices, orders and quotations directly. Customize the look and design according to your specifications and needs. Keep track of payments and easily send follow ups to customers and suppliers.

Data is the lifeblood of every business. One of the most frustrating things for business owners is getting key insights with that data. With Cybrix ERP you no longer have to worry- all data is securely collected and analyzed there are over 50+ reports to generate to get key insights into your business to maximize profits.